Last Updated: March 30, 2024

Welcome to Southside Collect Markets! We’re thrilled that you’re joining us. At [Event Name], we strive to create an exceptional experience for both vendors and attendees alike. To maintain the quality and diversity of our market, every application goes through a thorough approval process before being accepted. This ensures that we bring together a vibrant community of vendors offering unique products and services. We look forward to reviewing your application and potentially welcoming you as part of our market family!

In the meantime, please make yourself familiar with our Market Rules and Regulations.


We reserve the right to amend these Market Rules from time to time. In the event that these terms and conditions are amended we will post them to our website (  It is your responsibility to ensure that you regularly check our websites for any updates that may affect you.

These Market Rules and Regulations are to be used in conjunction with our terms and conditions and our Privacy Policy.

  1. Vendor Equipment Requirements

All vendors are responsible for supplying their own equipment including but not limited to:

  • Marquees for their stalls and site
  • Racks, tables, and chairs must also be provided by each vendor for their stall setup.
  • It is mandatory for vendors to have weights for their marquees. Each leg must be weighted with a minimum of 20kg to ensure stability.
  • Please note that no power outlets are available for stalls. Vendors are responsible for ensuring their setup does not require electricity.
  1. Communication

Prior to the event all Vendors and inquires are to be emailed to the Market Organisers via email:  Market Organisers will endeavour to respond to your inquiry with 1-2 business days.

All vendors will be communicated to via email or text message 2 days prior to the market to confirm the Vendors’ site allocation, venue map and the instructions for bump in and bump out.

  1. Bump In

All vendors agree and understand that punctuality is crucial. They must arrive during their nominated ‘Bump In’ time. Failure to do so may result in having to park their car and manually transport their items into the venue. Late arrivals after the market commencement risk being refused entry, leading to forfeiture of site fees. Additionally, each vendor is limited to one vehicle in the unloading area, and it’s mandatory to keep hazard lights on at all times.

Each vendor is allocated 15 minutes to unpack their vehicle and then park.  The vendor is to place their items in the unloading area, then park their car and return to get their items to then proceed to setting up their site.  Market organisers reserve the right ask the vendor to leave the unloading time if they have been there longer than the 15-minute allocated timeframe.  Market organisers are not onsite to help vendors unload their cars, it is the vendors sole responsibility that they have enough assistance on the day to ensure they can set up effectively. 

  1. Trading

All vendors agree to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Set up their site, including their gazebo, at least 45 minutes before the market is due to start.
    1. All stall equipment, including racks, tables, signage, and any other items, must be located within the designated stall area and not encroach on another vendors site.
    2. All sites must be presented in a professional and organised manner. All signage must be printed and clearly display your business name, social media accounts, contact details and prices.  Handwritten signage is not permitted.
    3. It is the stallholder’s responsibility to ensure that all plant and equipment, including but not limited to any marquee, tent, or umbrella, brought to or used in the market, is operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations, and otherwise in a safe manner at all times.
    4. Irrespective of weather conditions, gazebos must be weighted down with heavy sandbags or appropriate and secure weights at all times. ALL vendors are required to have a minimum of 20 kg per leg to ensure stability. Additionally, all gazebos must be weighted suitably for harsh weather, especially considering any markets are held near water. Please remember to adjust your weights accordingly, as it can get quite windy at times.
    5. All rubbish is to be removed from the site by the vendors and disposed of after the event. The bins located at the event are not to be used for vendor rubbish.  Vendors are not permitted to through any boxes, food or produce in any of the bins located at the event including any Council marked bins.
  2. Sell and promote only the items approved for sale at the event. Market organizers reserve the right to request removal of any unapproved items from display or, in certain cases, ask the vendor to leave.
  3. Assume responsibility for following all safety procedures and directives issued by the market organisers at all times.

Additionally, vendors are expected to maintain courtesy and respect towards fellow vendors, market organizers, and customers at all times. This includes conducting themselves in a professional manner, refraining from disruptive behaviour, and adhering to all event guidelines and regulations. Any disputes or conflicts should be addressed calmly and respectfully, with a focus on finding amicable resolutions. Failure to comply with these expectations may result in penalties, expulsion from the event, or future participation restrictions.

It is also strictly prohibited for stallholders to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during the event.

  1. Bump Out

All vendors agree and understand that they must commence their ‘Bump Out’ process promptly at the designated time following the conclusion of the market and are not permitted to start earlier than this specified time. Failure to do so may result in delays and inconvenience for other vendors and event organisers. Vendors are required to dismantle and remove their stalls and equipment efficiently to facilitate the smooth conclusion of the event. Any vendors failing to comply with the ‘Bump Out’ requirements may be subject to penalties or future participation restrictions.

Vendors agree that their sites must be completely packed down before moving their items off the premises. They have the option to transport their items to their vehicles by walking or bringing one (1) vehicle to the unloading area. Unloading areas will open at a specific allocated time, and vendors will not be permitted to drive their vehicles into the unloading zone any earlier. This ensures an organised and safe departure process for all vendors.

Each vendor is allocated 15 minutes to pack their vehicle and then leave.  The vendor is to place all of their items in the unloading area, then drive their car to the unloading area and wait until Market staff direct them to a safe spot to pack their items.  Market organisers reserve the right ask the vendor to leave the unloading time if they have been there longer than the 15-minute allocated timeframe.  Market organisers are not onsite to help vendors pack their cars, it is the vendors sole responsibility that they have enough assistance on the day to ensure they can pack up effectively. 

Additionally. it’s mandatory to keep hazard lights on at all times.

  1. Leaving Early

All vendors acknowledge and agree that they will not depart before the scheduled closing time of the event. In the event of a ‘sell-out’, stallholders must prominently display a sign indicating that their goods are ‘sold out’, and marquees are to remain standing. In cases where early departure has been approved by Market Management, vendors must manually walk their marquees and all equipment out of the premises.

  1. Parking

Designated parking areas will be provided for vendors. Vendors must adhere to all parking regulations and instructions provided by event staff. Any vehicles parked outside of designated areas or in a manner that obstructs traffic flow may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Please ensure vehicles are parked safely and considerately to minimise disruption to other vendors and event attendees.

  1. Promotion of External Events

Market stall holders are strictly prohibited from promoting external events within the event premises. This includes distributing fliers, displaying posters, or engaging in word-of-mouth promotion for any external events. Violation of this policy may result in penalties or expulsion from the event.

  1. Music and loud noises

Vendors are permitted to play music at their stalls, provided it does not disrupt other stallholders or customers. It is recommended that the volume be set to a level where the music is only audible within the vendor’s designated space. Additionally, vendors are reminded to ensure that the music played is respectful and appropriate for the event atmosphere.

  1. Stall Fees

Stall fees are considered non-refundable and non-transferable. We regret to inform that no refunds will be issued in instances of adverse weather conditions; please consult our cancellation policy for further details. In the event that a stallholder, who has pre-paid their stall fee, does not occupy their stall by the designated commencement of trading hours, they automatically forfeit their stall fee. The market organiser retains the right to reallocate the stall to another stallholder.

All sites are to be paid in full upon booking your site.

  1. Weather Cancellation Policy

The event will proceed regardless of weather conditions, and it will only be cancelled if determined to be unsafe for vendors and attendees.  If the organiser cancels the event the stall fees paid will be applied for an alternative date. Vendors choosing not to participate due to weather conditions will forfeit their stall fees.

In the event that a market is cancelled by the organisers due to an extreme weather event, vendors will be notified by the organisers via, Facebook and Instagram Posts, text message or email.  If you are unsure, please ensure that you check all these places prior to proceeding to the event. It is crucial that all of your contact details are correct on your booking for this reason.  The market organisers will not call each vendor to advise them of the cancellation.

  1. Non-Disparagement

You agree not to make any defamatory or disparaging statements or comments to any third party regarding the market, its officers, directors, employees, personnel, agents, policies, services, or products, except as required by law. This provision does not limit your ability to provide reviews or performance assessments of the market’s services.

  1. Presumption of Acceptance

By submitting payment for site fees and participating in the market, you are deemed to have expressly accepted and agreed to comply with our Market Rules and Regulations.